Bethesda Services

Improving the lives of children and adults with special needs.

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Photo of child with special needs being helped by their parents and trained professionals
Bethesda's entire digital presence, from website to social media, needed to attract families and clients seeking care in the community.
The primary objective was to build a digital presence that not only provided information, but was also the first step of their brand-new sales funnel.
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The Website & 3rd Party Tools

We developed a multilingual website with distinct landing pages that catered to each of their three identified target audiences: caregivers of children, caregivers of adults, and donors.
Integrating with Hubspot for top-of-funnel sales management and eTapestry for accepting chartiable donations, we implemented features that are crucial to Bethesda's day-to-day operations.

Custom Clinical Database App

Bethesda clinicians and caregivers have specific behaviours they track for their clients. Their previous system of spreadsheets suffered from data disparities because of a lack of a standard data schema.
We built a custom application using AWS serverless components that standardized data capture, and on-demand analytics and charting so clinicians can act on changes in client behaviour as it happens.

Membership System

Bethesda wanted to provide an easy-to-use and navigate interface to offer their scheduled services to caregivers and clients.
Leveraging Wild Apricot, Bethesda was able to offer a full calendar of events for their clients with built-in self-serve functions for event signups.

Awareness Campaign

We developed an awareness campaign around the theme of "intuitive", with consistent branding across digital and physical assets.

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